Oil Spill Services

We are the exclusive agent to Vikoma International Limited in Sudan.
Vikoma International Limited, founded by British Petroleum in 1967 following the Torrey Canyon oil spill, is a world leader in the design and manufacture of oil spill and chemical pollution control systems.

Oil Spill Services

Vikoma’s product portfolio includes a comprehensive range of oil spill containment booms manufactured in quality neoprene and polyurethane for deployment offshore, near shore and inland


We are the exclusive agent to Polyeco Group in Sudan.

Polyeco Group offers a complete range of emergency response services for oil & chemical spills, & is prepared to respond to the needs of all types of onshore/offshore facilities, including oil terminals, production platforms, refineries, shipyards, oil recovery plants, power stations, chemical industries, ports, harbours & marinas. Other services include oil/chemical spill response, hazardous waste management, protection/preparedness for ports/installations, management of distressed cargo, design & production of marine equipment & tank cleaning.
